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"If you wish to be loved, show more of your faults than your virtues."
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
"Life in abundance comes only through great love."
Elbert Hubbard
"The love we give away is the only love we keep."
Elbert Hubbard
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder."
Eleanor Roosevelt
"The giving of love is an education in itself."
Eleanor Roosevelt
"Whoso loves believes the impossible."
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
"Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says: 'I need you because I love you.'"
Erich Fromm
"To love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person."
Erich Fromm
"There is hardly any activity, any enterprise, which is started out with such tremendous hopes and expectations, and yet which fails so regularly, as love."
Erich Fromm
"It is impossible to love and to be wise."
Francis Bacon
"We need not think alike to love alike."
Francis David
"Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination."
Francois Marie Arouet (Voltaire)
"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love makes the ride worthwhile."
Franklin Jones
"Love is a gross exaggeration of the difference between one person and everybody else."
George Bernard Shaw
"First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity."
George Bernard Shaw
"I know of only one duty, and that is to love."
George Bernard Shaw
"The fickleness of the women I love is only equaled by the infernal constancy of the women who love me."
George Bernard Shaw
"Love means loving the unlovable - or it is no virtue at all."
GK Chesterton
"Why be something to everybody when you can be everything to somebody?"
GK Chesterton
"In true love the smallest distance is too great, and the greatest distance can be bridged."
Hans Nouwens
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Edmond and Jules de Goncourt
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Elbert Hubbard
Eleanor Roosevelt
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Erich Fromm
Francis Bacon
Francis David
Francois Marie Arouet (Voltaire)
Franklin Jones
George Bernard Shaw
GK Chesterton
Hans Nouwens
Henny Youngman
Henry Mencken
Henry Van Dyke
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Henry Ward Beecher
J. Ghetto
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Jeanne Moreau
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Napoleon Bonaparte
Olin Miller
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Oscar Wilde
Richard Bach
Robert Browning
Robert Frost
Robin Williams
Roger de Bussy-Rabutin
Saint Augustine
Samuel Johnson
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