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"My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way." Ernest Hemingway 4 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"There are events which are so great that if a writer has participated in them his obligation is to write truly rather than assume the presumption of altering them with invention." Ernest Hemingway 5 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"There is quite enough sorrow and shame amd suffering and baseness in real life, and there is no need for meeting it unnecessarily in fiction." Theodore Roosevelt 3.5 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"When asked, 'How do you write?' I invariably answer, 'one word at a time.'" Stephen King 4.777777777777778 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"Fiction is the truth inside the lie." Stephen King 5 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"I am the literary equivalent of a Big Mac and Fries." Stephen King 4.857142857142857 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"If I cannot horrify, I'll go for the gross-out. I'm not proud." Stephen King 4.5 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"I don't give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way." Mark Twain 4.5 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force." Dorothy Parker 4.9411764705882355 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." Benjamin Franklin 4.642857142857143 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"Special-interest publications should realize that if they are attracting enough advertising and readers to make a profit, the interest is not so special." Fran Lebowitz 5 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"Many books require no thought from those who read them, and for a very simple reason; they made no such demand upon those who wrote them." Charles Caleb Colton 3.6666666666666665 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"The ear is the only true writer and the only true reader." Robert Frost 3.5 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader." Robert Frost 5 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"No matter what you do, somebody always imputes meaning into your books." Theodor Seuss Geisel 3.6 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"When I'm writing, I know I'm doing the thing I was born to do." Anne Sexton 3 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book." Marcus Tullius Cicero 4.7 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"Advice to young writers who want to get ahead without annoying delays: don�t write about Man, write about 'a' man." E.B. White 5 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"Put it before them briefly so they will read it, clearly so they will appreciate it, picturesquely so they will remember it and, above all, accurately so they will be guided by its light." Joseph Pulitzer 4.5625 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"Don't you wish you had a job like mine? All you have to do is think up a certain number of words! Plus, you can repeat words! And they don't even have to be true!" Dave Barry 4.142857142857143 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote

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