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Quote DB :: Sports :: Baseball Search in this category

Quote Author Rating Rate
"The other sports are just sports. Baseball is a love." Bryant Gumbel 4.714285714285714 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"A hot dog at the ball park is better than steak at the Ritz." Humphrey Bogart 4 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"All I want out of life, is that when I walk down the street folks will say, 'There goes the greatest hitter that ever lived.'" Ted Williams 4.285714285714286 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"You owe it to yourself to be the best you can possibly be - in baseball and in life." Pete Rose 3.5714285714285716 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"Hitting is 50% above the shoulders." Ted Williams 3.75 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"If a man can beat you, walk him." Satchel Paige 4 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"You teach me baseball and I'll teach you relativity...no we must not. You will learn about relativity faster than I learn baseball." Albert Einstein 4.095238095238095 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"Being with a woman never hurt no professional ball player. It's staying up all night looking for a woman that does him in." Casey Stengel 4.166666666666667 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"There are three types of baseball players: those who make things happen, those who watch it happen, and those who wonder what happens." Tommy Lasorda 4.9 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"Baseball is the belly-button of our society." Bill Lee 0 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"The crowd makes the ballgame." Ty Cobb 5 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"Baseball and malaria keep coming back." Gene Mauch 0 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"Little League baseball is a good thing 'cause it keeps the parents off the streets and it keeps the kids out of the house." Yogi Berra 4.25 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"In baseball, you don't know nothin'." Yogi Berra 4 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote
"Baseball has the great advantage over cricket of being sooner ended." George Bernard Shaw 3 avg (0 votes) Rate this Quote


Browse Baseball quotes by Author:
Albert Einstein Bill Lee Bryant Gumbel
Casey Stengel Gene Mauch George Bernard Shaw
Humphrey Bogart Pete Rose Satchel Paige
Ted Williams Tommy Lasorda Ty Cobb
Yogi Berra    
