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Quote DB :: Authors :: Dwight Eisenhower
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Dwight Eisenhower
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Author Rating (64%)


Groups: U.S. Presidents

Dwight Eisenhower

Quotes: (ranking: 620th)
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View Dwight Eisenhower's 6 speeches

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"If the United Nations once admits that international disputes can be settled by using force, then we will have destroyed the foundation of the organization and our best hope of establishing a world order." Politics, War & Peace 4.0 avg (7 votes)
"There is -- in world affairs -- a steady course to be followed between an assertion of strength that is truculent and a confession of helplessness that is cowardly." Politics 4.0 avg (2 votes)
"The president cannot escape from his office." Presidency 4.0 avg (2 votes)
"The world moves, and ideas that were good once are not always good." Ideas 3.8 avg (6 votes)
"From this day forward, the millions of our schoolchildren will daily proclaim in every city and town, every village and rural schoolhouse, the dedication of our nation and our people to the Almighty." God 3.7 avg (9 votes)
"I feel impelled to speak today in a language that in a sense is new-one which I, who have spent so much of my life in the military profession, would have preferred never to use. That new language is the language of atomic warfare." War & Peace 3.7 avg (3 votes)
"Without a doubt, psychological warfare has proven its right to a place of dignity in our military arsenal." War & Peace 3.7 avg (3 votes)
"I can think of nothing more boring for the American people than to have to sit in their living rooms for a whole half hour looking at my face on their television screens." Comedy 3.4 avg (5 votes)
"There is one thing about being President, no one can tell you when to sit down." Presidency 3.0 avg (2 votes)
"Humility must always be the portion of any man who receives acclaim earned in blood of his followers and sacrifices of his friends." Miscellaneous 0 avg (0 votes)

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